Guild elections 2024

The elections are here!

Application for board and official roles for the year 2025 is now open! Below, you can find information about applying, and the timetable of the elections.


The discussion board of the Guild of Physics, namely Fiirumi ( will be the main platform for the election. There are two election-related sections on Fiirumi: Introductions and Questions. The first of these includes introductions from those applying to a board or elected guild official position*. The maximum word count for the Finnish texts is 400 words (except 600 words for applicants for President or Vice President – and you can always write more briefly), and guild members should be able to get to know the applicants through their texts. In the Questions section, guild members can ask the applicants questions, keeping in mind, however, that long lists of questions or questions that require essay-length answers should be avoided.

*Elected guild official positions (= selected in the election) are: BIG coordinator, Master of Excursions, Editor-in-chief of Kvantti, Songmaster and External Relations Coordinator. For the other roles, filling out the form and election sheet is enough, see below.


Applying to a role happens officially through this form: If the form isn’t filled out, applying to a role hasn’t happened. To raise election spirits, however, the thousand-year-old election sheet found in the guild room is also in use. In the sheet, you can write your name below the positions you’ve applied to – and like this, everyone can admire the election sheet that is slowly but surely being realized. The sheet can also be found in Fiirumi as well as an abridged version as a Telegram bot @vaalilakana_bot.

Do you want to apply but don’t know what kind of roles there are? From the guild’s website, one can read what different board and guild official positions entail. You can also always ask anything from this year’s volunteers in Telegram or face-to-face – for example, this year’s board gladly answers questions. If you’re even slightly interested, it’s probably worth it to apply.

Election schedule:

  • 22.10. First part of the election meeting – Selection of the President and Vice Chair of the guild – E-hall at 16:15
  • 28.10. Election panel – Questions for those applying for elected positions – Design Factory at 16:15. Written applications for the elected positions close.
  • 29.10. Second part of the election meeting – Selection of other larger roles – E-hall at 16:15
  • 3.11. – Applications for MWP, HOTHOTHOT, Student recruitment coordinator, Guildroom coordinator, and QT coordinator close
  • 10.11. Applications for sisis, hottis, abi committee and songleaders close
  • 8.12. Applications for the rest of the guild official positions close

Have an exciting and stress-free election time!

Board ‘24