Fuusio 78 -week

Fuusio dance practice 10.3.

Has it been a while since the high school dance ball? Is your dancing foot getting giddy?

Come to Fuusio dance rehearsals on Monday 10.3.! The rehearsals will teach you traditional dances, which will be performed at Fuusio on Saturday 15.3. The dance rehearsals start at 18.00 at the Design Factory Stage and finish by 21.00.

You can sign up to the dance practice here

You should dress in clothes that are suitable for light exercise, and think beforehand, if you want to be the leader or the follower in pair dance. The rehearsed dances are Pas d’Espagne, Cicapo, Tango and Waltz.

What? Dance practice for Fuusio
Where? Design Factory, Puumiehenkuja 5A
When? Monday 10.3. at 18.00-21.00
What does it cost? Nothing!

Fiisut singthrough 11.3.

Say what?! The Fuusio Week culminates already on Tuesday? Yes, on Tuesday 11.3. at 17.00 the uttermost majestic choir singing will resound from Rantasauna in our guild’s own FIISUT SINGTHROUGH!

So tune your vocal cords to join in the guild’s mightiest singing undertaking in the company of good friends as HOTTIS and SISIS quench your hunger and thirst. Does singing not inspire you? Or are you afraid you’ll tire out? Worry not, for the SAUNA is warm ALL THE TIME!

So come () to hear the hidden gems of our song culture, to learn the actual melodies or just to enjoy the sauna, food and drinks FREE OF CHARGE!

Voluntary signup to approximate the amount of food needed.

What: Fiisut singthrough and “Relaxation Sauna”
When: Fuusio Week Tuesday 11.3. at 17.00
Cost: Free 0 €
Why: Guild song culture, sauna and “relaxation”

Annihilaatio PIP-game 12.3.

piip piiip piiip, what’s that noise? It’s PIP!! The quick-paced and medium hard Guild of Physics drinking game pumps the players and spectators full of hype on Fuusio week yet again!

The event starts on Wednesday 12.3. at 5:30 pm with a review of the rules and the game itself will start immediately after this at around 6:00. In addition to participating as a player, you can also arrive to watch the game and learn the rules! You can also sign up as a backup player.

The size of the teams is 2-3 and the game requires 3 or 4 teams. One game lasts about one (1) hour and the rules are reviewed at the beginning of the event – so please be there on time!

The registration opens on Thursday, March 6th, at 12 p.m., and closes on Monday, March 10th. The price of one game is 10 euros / player. Be prepared to pay by cash at the venue.

The rules of the game will also be distributed for reading before the start of the event.

Alcohol-free participation in the game is also possible

What? PIP game
Where? Living Room of Teekkari Village
When? Wednesday 12.3. at 17:30
What’s the cost? 10 € / player
Why? Because saving is also necessary in the middle of the week. Also Annihilaatio pre-game

Annihilaatio 12.3.


The grid is set and the engines are running already. See you in Smökki NEXT WEDNESDAY!

Didn’t get a ticket? No need to hit the brakes just yet. There’s still time before RACE DAY, and anything can happen…

Join the events telegram channel!

Fuusio 78 main event 15.3.

Fuusio 78 main event will be held on 15.3. The sign up for the event has closed.

Fuusio afterparty 15.3.

If your Saturday night needs a bit more excitement, some dancing, or a lively atmosphere, the Fuusio Committee has the solution for you! Join us in celebrating our 78-year-old guild at the Fuusio afterparty

 An awesome band and a wonderful DJ will keep the vibe going the whole night, so come enjoy your time singing and dancing

The doors to the afterparty will open on March 15th at 11:00 PM. The location will be shared with participants via email after registration closes. The event is free for all guild members, and you don’t need a ticket to the main event to attend. You can buy some snacks at the event using MobilePay.

Registration is open.

 What: Fusion Afterparty

Where: Place X
 When: March 15th at 11:00 PM
 Cost: 0€
 DC: Smart casual / Cocktail

For questions contact @viestintavastaava or @minttupalokangas

Fuusio 78 sillis 16.3.

After Saturday the celebrations continue at the Fuusio sillis on 16.3. The sillis tickets are sold out.